Computing and Education

Computing has fundamentally changed education. See below to learn more.


Advancements in computing has globalized education in a real sense.Distance is now no longer a barrier to receiving an education, with prestigious universities offering fully-accredited online degrees for a fraction of the cost of a in-person education as well as there being a litany of online courses for anyone at any time.

Illustration showing a globe interconnected by links.


Now more than ever we are connected. As with improving access to education, advancements in computing have led to entire networks and communities dedicated to learning almost everything.

Illustration showing people communicating via technology.


The way we learn has also been transformed. Gone are the days where information was confined to the select few who could read, technology now offers many ways to learn. Not only that, but it has given rise to technology specifically geared towards improving how we learn.

Illustration showing a person and books. Signifying education.